
The official video for “La sola cosa che c’è”. Directed by Sabrina Napoleone, drone operator Marina Mazzoli. Produced by Sabrina Napoleone and Cristina Nico. Lilith Label | OrangeHomeRecords | Believe 2022©℗

The official video for the song “Le creature degli abissi”. Directed by David Valolao- Triad Production; with Lisa Galantini, Echo Sunyata Sibley; make-up: Debora Gornati. OrangeHomeRecords2015©℗


The official video for the song “L’eremita”. Directed by Ruben Esposito. Produced by Raffaele Abbate & Cristina Nico.© ℗ 2018 OrangeHomeRecords.

The official video for the song “Stranonè” from Cristina Nico’s new album. Directed by Gae Milazzo. Thanks to the Milazzo family and a little Totò.

© ℗ 2018 OrangeHomeRecords.

“Sassi”, Gino Paoli’s cover. Premio Bindi 2014.

“Mandibole” live. Premio Bindi 2014.

“Le Creature degli Abissi” live. Circolo Arci Orchidea, 2016.

Other videos on YouTube channel Cristina Nico

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